Welcome to the website of Chilworth Village Hall, near Guildford in the Surrey Hills.

Chilworth Village Hall can be hired for a variety of uses: birthday parties, club gatherings, classes, family functions, talks, meetings, performances and much more.

On this website you will find a host of information about our hall, including:

+ Facilites
+ How to make a booking
+ Regular users and special events

You are also welcome to visit the hall and discuss your specific requirements in person.

Chilworth Village Hall comprises of a large main hall, a fitted kitchen with cooker, microwave and a wall mounted hot water dispenser for drinks.

The hall has a capacity of up to 120 seated. There is a raised stage with access to two small side rooms. Tables and chairs are available for use.
KITCHEN: The kitchen is available for warming food with cooker, wall mounted hot water dispenser for drinks, microwave and fridge. Crockery and cutlery are available free of charge.
CAR PARK: The hall has a hard standing car park for up to 10 cars which can also be closed off for use as an outside area.

Chilworth Village Hall can be hired for a variety of uses from one-off classes, birthday parties, talks, meetings, family functions, club gatherings and much much more.

In order to check availability and make a booking please contact the Bookings Secretary Diana Johnstone on 01483 531399 or email chilworthvillagehall@gmail.com
Once your booking has been confirmed please complete the Booking Form below and be sure to read the Hire Agreement before sending it to us.

In order to open as safely as possible, we have had to apply some additional conditions of hire. The following documents will need to be completed and returned to the Bookings Secretary before hiring the hall:
The hirer will also need to read and agree to abide by the terms and conditions below:
You may also like to read our Covid-19 Chilworth Village Hall Risk Assessment

Our privacy policy can be found here.

We look forward to welcoming you back to Chilworth Village Hall.


Private tuition with Anya Grinstead for students of Ballet. Anya Grinstead trained at the RAD's Teachers Training Course and spent many years working at the Elmburst Ballet School and Guildford School of Acting.

Anya Grinstead
Tel. 01483 533971

Chilworth Brownies

Brownies is for girls aged seven to ten who follow a programme called the Brownie Adventure. The name reflects the world of exciting opportunities, challenges and fun that is Brownies. Girls can participate in a wide range of activities at their regular meetings and at special events. They can find themselves trying out arts and crafts or recipes, playing energetic games, taking part in community action projects and working towards Brownie Interest badges.

AVAILABLE: Tuesdays in term time 4.00-5.30pm
Cathy Browning (Brown Owl)
Tel. 01483 533514

Boogie Pumps

Boogie Pumps is a fun friendly dance school that caters for interests from classical ballet to contemporary street dance. Not only will they teach your little sparks to dance like their favourite pop stars but they will keep fit, build confidence and most importantly have fun!

AVAILABLE: Saturday mornings, term time. 9.30am onwards
FEE: Contact Group Leader

Hannah Ayres
Mob. 07769645741
Email. hannah@boogiepumps.co.uk

Cinema Club

Everyone is welcome to come and enjoy a different film every month at this community cinema club. There is always an interval for a chance to catch up with old friends, or make new ones, and a selection of hot and cold drinks and ice creams are available to buy.

AVAILABLE: Every second Friday of the month
FEE: Tickets on the door £5

Email. cccinema17@outlook.com

Shalford Beavers

The Beaver Colony is the first and youngest section of the Scout Group. Beaver Scouts are young people aged between 6 and 8 years old. Master new skills, have fun, make friends and help other people on your doorstep and beyond

AVAILABLE: Monday 5.45pm-6.45pm

Shalford Cubs

The Cub Pack is the second section of the Scout Group following on from Beavers. Cub Scouts are young people aged between 8 and 10 and half. Go on adventures, learn new skills, gain skills for life and help others!

AVAILABLE: Thursday 6.45pm-8pm

We often hold events for the community of Chilworth throughout the year. Please check here for the latest events.

There are currently no events scheduled.


Chilworth Village Hall
New Road

Tel. 01483 531399

The Village Hall is located approximately ½ mile from the entrance to Chilworth if entering from Shalford along Kings Road. It is on the right hand side and there a bus shelter directly in front of the building.


From the A25, drive through Albury Village and enter Chilworth along Dorking Road. The Village Hall is located approximately 200 metres from the level crossing on the left hand side.

Chilworth Village Hall is owned by the village and managed by Chilworth Village Hall Management Committee. The Village Hall is a registered charity and is run on a non-profit making basis on behalf of the community.

The Committee is keen to see further development of the Hall with new facilities and services that will benefit the local community.